Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Most Honest I've Ever Been

I have always struggled with my weight. That's not true - I've struggled with my weight since I was in 7th Grade and I officially started my period. (By the way, I feel very uncomfortable writing about this at all because it's just not something you casually discuss - periods...yuck!) I started over Christmas vacation, and I can specifically remember that within a couple of months, all the new clothes that I got for Christmas were already too small. So, some of it is hormonal, some of it is that I really love food, and most of it is because of some preconceived notions of weight and my body that I've been carrying around with me for about 20 years. I won't go into details about why I'm so screwed up in the head about weight because it is too private and I don't want to "blame" anyone else. But, I was quite heavy all through High School and college (I fluctuated, of course). After I got home from New York, I worked out religiously with my cousin, Annie. She was a Senior in High School, and we did kickboxing at a Karate place 6 days a week for most of the school year. I lost a bunch of weight. I met Greg the following Christmas. Ironically, he had just lost about 50 pounds as well. So, this weight issue is a BIG deal in both of our families.

A lot changed after I had Austin. First of all, I lost about 10 pounds in my first trimester. Not that I was throwing up, I was just being healthier than I'd ever been in my entire life. I was taking vitamins every day, and I was eating breakfast every day. I think it really helped. Anyway...after I had Austin, the weight seemed to magically disappear. At my skinniest (since 7th grade), I weighted about 125, and I felt really good. I thought that having children was just good for me, but Macy proved me wrong. And Paige has been even worse. I could definitely see differences after my 2nd child, but after my 3rd, it is quite obvious to me that major damage has been done. I've lost about an inch and a half in height since I've had children (I blame this on the heparin and bone density loss), but it kind of squishes everything together makes it bulge out. Paige is almost a year old, and I've been waiting for that magic moment when the weight melts away and I look like a 24-year-old again. Obviously, that is not going to happen.

My emotionally unhealthy way of dealing with it has been to simply ignore it. I don't show people pictures of myself when I was heavy in hopes that I can pull off some facade about being a thin person. I also don't eat anything - EVER - and simply enjoy it. Every single bite that goes in my mouth is calculated in my head. I feel moderately guilty with one bite of cake, but by the 4th or 5th bite, I'm beating myself up for being so weak to indulge. I gulp down things that are healthy for me, but secretly wish that I were eating French Toast with buttery syrup instead of low-salt scrambled egg. I really am so messed up. I tell myself that I don't care, but I really do. I spend way too much time attempting to look thinner than I am. Then, it's just a vicious cycle of feeling guilty for thinking too much about myself instead of other people. I end up taking my frustrations out on my kids, which generates a cycle of even more guilt. (Are you beginning to sense how truly crazy I am!?!)

So...this is my attempt to help put this demon to bed (or at least suppress it a little and replace it with healthier, happier thoughts). I started South Beach today to try to get rid of my baby chub (I don't even gain that much weight with my babies - only 5 pounds with Paige - but I've seemed to gain quite a bit of mass) and back down to a place where I felt good (like after Austin). I weighed myself today, and I will weigh myself once a week. I am not going to keep it a secret anymore. I weigh 137 pounds. My goal is 120.

This is so scary! I've NEVER been this honest about disclosing my weight. I feel like I'm in that dream where you show up to school or church naked. Honesty is hard! In my attempt to expose everything, here are a couple of "heavy" pictures. They were hard to find because I strategically placed myself behind other people in pictures so I would look smaller. Cuckoo! My goal:


Jen-ben said...

I LOVE your honesty. You can do it! But I can't imagine you only 120...are you sure you'll look healthy?? You look good now...seriously!! And you don't look that much different from your goal picture. I love you...have I said that lately?

paige said...

I was going to say the same thing...when I picture you in my head, it's the bottom picture. Exactly. Good luck, though. It's a great goal to have & I wish I could say I ate as healthy as you do during pregnancy. I usually eat whatever sounds good...which isn't usually a low salted egg. :)

Michelle Arnett said...

I am so impressed with your honesty! There isn't any better way to handle it than be honest with it! I have found that in my grief too. Good luck with your goals! I know there is no compliment that I can give that will convince you otherwise of what your goal-so shoot for it, but I think you are wonderfully beautiful. Love ya Lots.

Amber said...

I have NEVER thought of you as "heavy" person! Never! I think if every woman were as honest as you, they'd all admit they'd like to be thinner, weigh less, taller, shorter, curvier, etc. Good for you for having goals to change your image!

Lindsay said...

I've never met you in person, but the pictures I've seen of you you look great! I'm not just saying that, I think you look really good - and I would LOOOOVVVE to weigh 137.

Kimberly Porter said...

Emily, either we are both crazy (because we're similiar), or both very normal. I go through the same thoughts on my weight as you do. However, weighing 137 for me would be a dream. I haven't weighed 137 since high school! Good luck with your goals.

Emily said...

I know it isn't about the number. It's really more about all my screwed up thinking about food, weight, etc. Maybe I should just take some advice of a good friend and neighbor: "After three kids, you just have to make peace with your body." :)