Thursday, February 28, 2008

Computer Coupons

This is my latest attempt to help motivate Austin. Remember about five months ago when Austin was having trouble bringing his coat/backpack/gloves/homework/etc. home from school? I made a reminder card, laminated it, and attached it to his back back. I then told him that he could earn 10 points a day if he remembered EVERYTHING. It was all or nothing. Then, I went to Walmart and bought a bunch of $3-5 toys. When he got to 100 points, he could pick one of the toys. When he got to $500 points, he could earn a new Kid Knex set (his favorite). It worked like a charm. I was suddenly not so obsessed when he forgot stuff because I put the ball in his court. (I love it when I use my Love and Logic.) It took him about six weeks to get to 100 points the first time. Now, he's about 30 points away from 500 and it isn't even an issue anymore. So...I decided to use this premise to get him to improve his behavior at school.

He was doing so much better, then the past few weeks, he's taken a nose dive again. To help him, I came up with Computer Coupons. I made several of these in fun, bright, different colors and laminated them. I gave these to his teacher. Then, I made a new "reminder" card and attached it to his backpack. If he does everything on the card, his teacher hands him a Computer Coupon at the end of the day. This gives him the right to play computer games (like Zoo Tycoon or that evening. I didn't put a time restriction because every evening is different.

We'll see...I'm not expecting a miracle, and it may be like the point system - it may take him several days to earn one. But, once he catches on, I'm hoping we will see some improvements. You know how they say mother's need to be loving and nurturing...they really should add creative. These kids definitely keep me on my toes!


Jen-ben said...

I LOVE THIS! I'm so stealing your idea!

Lindsay said...

Wow, loving the idea, this just might work for Jamie. We just started a new system recently, but he always needs new things to motivate him, so this just might be my next move, thanks!