I got an email today, and this quote was at the end:
"Patience and perseverance have a magical affect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish." - John Quincy Adams
Why can't I learn this?!? Yesterday was the Sacrament Meeting Primary Program. I felt very calm about it all morning, and they actually released me from Primary President, so I bore my testimony. Everything was going well...until my children got up on the stand. I thought they were monsters (nicest word I could come up with). Austin goofed off with Hannah the entire time, he danced during the songs instead of singing them, and he actually fell off the risers (yes...He is seven years old). I didn't even see Macy, but in Greg's words: "She could not have been worse." (Although Jen assured me that she definitely could have been worse.) I was mortified, embarrassed, angry, humiliated, and felt completely worthless as a mother as if nothing we are teaching them is sinking in. I could just feel the anger growing and growing and the spirit leaving as the meeting progressed. I haven't been this angry in a long time. In my testimony, I spoke about how much love I felt when my first child was born - love that I didn't even know existed before then. By the end of the program, I was trying to summon any love at all! In my fury, I banned the following: All sugar, TV, videos, computer games, toys, the zoo, and pretty much anything fun for the rest of their lives. I stopped just short of banning Christmas.
By contrast, Paige has been sick the past couple of days. Sunday morning, she started crying about 4 a.m. at which point we discovered she had thrown up in her crib. Poor baby was dry-heaving the rest of the morning. She took a morning nap, and was doing better by church. Not wanting Greg to miss the program, or possibly because I needed him to witness his children's behavior, Paige came with us. Directly after the closing prayer, she threw up all over my parents. She also threw up all over her car seat at the end of the day. I don't know how many times I scrubbed the carpet, how many loads of laundry we've done, or how many baths she had yesterday, but through it all I remained calm, PATIENT, and loving, acting with complete empathy. Even this morning, when it was evident that she was not doing much better, I just accepted the fact that I would be holding her all day and threw out any aspirations of being productive. Why? Why can I express such unbelievable patience in one situation and have it completely allude me in another situation?!?
Overall, I think the program was a success. They knew the songs and sang them so beautifully (except for my children who didn't sing one word). We had the Primary kids "write" the program. We interviewed them and used their answers as their parts. It turned out to be completely adorable and so sincere. Here are a few of my favorite lines:
- I think Jesus loves me just like my Mom and Dad love me. I think Jesus loves me even more!
- Jesus wants me to listen and loves me so much, like a trillion times.
- When we die, Heavenly Father and Jesus are going to keep us.
- I know Jesus takes care of us. He gives us cows to the earth to give us milk, and pigs to oink for us, and horses too.
- Prophets teach us and when we're being good they say, "You are being very good." I think Heavenly Father loves everyone in the whole world.
- Prophets teach us Jesus died on the cross so that everyone can stay alive after they die. It was very, very special.
- When I read my scriptures, and I see the word "heaven," a picture pops up in my mind of everyone in my family hugging in heaven.
- I'm thankful for my blessings, like my body. Jesus gave me a body, my mom, dad, brother, granny, and grandma. I'm so thankful for all those people that I love!
- I learn about the scriptures with my family. My favorite story is about Captain Moroni. I like him because he is strong and smart. I really like the part about sending spies to the Lamanites. Captain Moroni didn't go to war because he liked to fight, he did it to protect their families.
- I like to sing my prayer. When I sing a song, my cousin Jesus can hear all the way in heaven.
- My Personal Favorite: If I could choose one place to go on my mission, it would be Richfield. I would really like teaching people about the church and passing the sacrament.