Wednesday, October 24, 2007

HELP! I Really Need Some Ideas

Austin Problem #947: Constantly Losing Things

I know it's only October, and he's only been in school for two months, but he is constantly losing things. If I count up everything he's lost since the beginning of Kindergarten (just over a year), it would add up to over $100 - lunchbox, hats, gloves, scarves, jackets, backpacks, lunchboxes, water bottles, etc. It snowed last week, so I bought him a brand new coat. I buy coats big so they will last two years because they are quite expensive. He lost it the first day! I realize that this is Fall, so the day starts out freezing and ends up very nice. I've been able to locate a jacket that he lost in the school's lost-and-found. But, he and I went through everything today and I couldn't find it anywhere. I'm a little irritated, too, because his name and phone number is written on the tag.

What do I do??? I tried a reward system. I laminated a checklist of things he needs to bring home EVERY DAY (coat, lunchbox, water bottle, backpack) and attached it to the zipper on his backpack. I told him if he brings everything home, he gets 10 points. When he gets to 100 points, he gets a special treat. It worked great for a few days. Now, he walks in the door and says, "Still at 50 points."

There is no way that I can afford to go out and buy $50 coats that get used once! I really need some suggestions because he's making me crazy!


Kimberly Porter said...

Oh my...what a character! I think your ideas have been great. As a past teacher, I know that this is a VERY common problem, especially amongst the youngsters. Maybe say something to his teacher about asking him daily if he grabbed everything he brought (coat, hat...etc) before he runs out the door?

I hope you find his coat. It has to be somewhere! Maybe another kid thought it was his and it will be returned home tomorrow! Good luck.

Amber said...

You are a much more patient woman/ mom than I will EVER be! So you're doing good by my book.

Alexie said...

I am so sorry. Kids leave stuff in my room all the time. If I notice it right away I try to take it back to the class, but if not I take it to the lost and found. Unfortunately, not everyone is an honest as we'd hope they'd be. Especially if the coat is big- an older kid could have taken it off the playground or something. I actually stopped a 1st grader in Dan's class who had taken something that belonged to a classmate and wouldn't give it back. He actually looked me in the face and siad,"I found it on the chair. Finders keepers losers weepers. Too bad for him it's mine now." while I was attempting not to strangler the kid for being so rude, I explained that that's not how things work here and if he found something that didn't belong to him he should put it in the lost and found or give it to a teacher.
I know that’s not a solution, but perhaps you could ask Rachael to do a coat check when the kids return from recess.
Also, see if you can send an email to parents at the school. Perhaps Gloria could send a generic email mentioned that many of our students’ things are missing and to check your kids coats for names and numbers. Could you attach something to the coat that would be noticeable (Curtis always identified his coats because of all the ski passes hooked to the zipper in Junior High)?

Jen-ben said...

I wish I knew. Can we please just be given a handbook? Would that be too much to ask?