Saturday, May 10, 2008

There's Just Something About Date Night

I guess Greg and I don't get out enough - just the two of us - because there's just something about date night that makes me feel goofy and a little frisky. Maybe it's just the fact that I don't have to be the "parent." We had a real wild night last night! We put our kids to bed (exciting already) and had Josh come over while we went to the 8:20 showing of Iron Man. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I didn't know that it was a superhero movie. All I knew was that it was getting really good reviews. I really liked it. It was very well done. Although I don't understand why people take small children to adult movies. I'm not talking infants, I'm talking toddlers and preschoolers. It was quite violent, and there was some brief sex. I just don't get it.
Anyway...on the way out of the theater, we were acting a little silly. I told Greg that I thought he should give me a piggyback ride to the car. Surprisingly, he lifted me up on his back. Feeling like I was 21 again, I was kissing his neck and we were laughing. Greg said, "If somebody saw us right now, they would have no idea that we were married." Then, we reached the car and he said, "Until we got into that damn minivan." I thought it was so funny, and I had a really good laugh at his expense! He's such a good sport to put aside his real wishes ("Every real man has a truck." - How many times have I heard that!) for the sake of what is best for our family. He does it A LOT (we both do). It makes me love him even more!


Colette said...

You guys are so cute! I love that you felt like you were 21 again. I think I need to let go like that more often. Kyle always tells me I need to flirt like I did when we were dating.

Jen-ben said...

I love the mini van comment...too too funny!

Laura said...

Date night is the best. Definately makes you frisky. Cute!

paige said...

That is definitely the way to do a date night! I am always worried that Polly is being bad & don't think I ever fully enjoy myself. I thought the movie was good, too even though I had no idea what it was about when Lorin drug - dragged? me to it. Anyway, I am glad you had fun - oh, & Lorin is the one that wants to get a mini van in our family - not me!