Monday, May 19, 2008

Last night, Greg said, "Please don't put music on your blog. I'll just turn it off." Sorry, honey. But, I've been wanting to add music for a long time. Anyway...I started one today (in my attempt to avoid ALL the housework and weeding that needs to get done), and I realized how strange it is. I put songs on that mean something to me, and it turned out to be a very bizarre compilation.

"Me and You" was sung at our wedding, and "To Make You Feel My Love" and "The Promise" were on our wedding video. Neither of us listen to that much country music, so I'm not really sure how we ended up with a country wedding. Erasure reminds me of my best friend from high school, Angie - she loved Erasure. I remember the day that her brother left for his mission because she was assigned to take care of his music collection while he was gone. We listened to Erasure in her bedroom for hours! I had to include ABBA (I could have included the entire album because I love ABBA). My first apartment in college was a basement apartment. We had a pretty big kitchen that didn't have any windows. We would turn up ABBA and dance and sing while we cooked or cleaned. That kitchen had the best acoustics. I danced with my dad to "In My Life" by the Beatles at our wedding. I am in love with Josh Groban (Greg is okay with this), and after I had Macy, Greg got me the album and set up a bubble bath for some "me-time." He put the CD on with candles and shut the door. He took care of the kids while I enjoyed my bath with Josh. :) Barenaked Ladies takes me back to the Bar-T-Five office with Marianne. We had some great times! Remember Brooke's first kiss that lasted a "really long time" - like 10 seconds! "You Are My Sunshine" is for Macy. I've sung "Over the Rainbow" to all my babies to get them to sleep. My dad has sung "Sweet Baby James" and "Brown Eyed Girl" to us for as long as I can remember. When I lived in New York, I lived in a beach house during the summer. There were TONS of beach parties that summer, and Van Morrison was the favorite. That song always puts me back on the beach. Whenever I hear Linda Eder, I remember the time I saw her on Broadway - incredible! It makes me think of all those wonderfully cheesy Broadway shows that I LOVE! When I heard "Your Song" shortly after Austin was born, I sobbed (even though I'd heard that song a thousand times before). When I heard "Ordinary Miracle" shortly after Paige was born, I sobbed. I've also stolen some of my favorite new songs off of all of your blogs. Whenever I hear certain songs, I think of all of you.

Writing all of this reminds me of several songs that I'll have to add. So...I apologize if you have turn the sound off when you visit my blog, but these songs are great memories for me!


Kristy said...

Van Morrison is sooo good! And I'm with ya on Erasure and Abba.

Marianne said...

Of course I remember Brooke and her first kiss. Remember how she threw her arms in the air and exclaimed "I did it!" So funny. And I still love BNL. The most recent: their new kids CD Snack Time.