Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Paige - 14 Months Already!!!

Are you kidding me?!? Where has the time gone?!? This little girl is the light of my life every day. (I really do love ALL my kids, but there is just something magical about this age that I just LOVE. When Austin and Macy were this age, I loved every second of it as well.)

She is a little monkey, though. We officially do not own a pencil that still has an eraser. She is obsessed with gnawing off erasers. She also has this little obsession with sitting. She loves to sit...on our laps (she backs up into us), on her little booster chair (we just keep it on the floor) or step stools, and inside cupboards. All of my kitchen and bathroom cupboards are open and cleaned out so she can sit inside. It is hilarious! She also loves to "read." Her favorite is to get a book, sit on a stool, and thumb through the pages. Sometimes, she even babbles. Paige gets so excited to see anybody. You should see the production when Daddy gets home from work. She squeals, "Da, Da" and runs to him with her arms up giggling the whole way. She has the same reaction to Austin and Macy in the morning. She LOVES dogs and is always carrying a stuffed animal around the house, barking. It doesn't matter if it is tiger, bear, or dog - she barks.
Paige is officially off the bottle, but still calls her sippy cup a "ba ba." She is my best eater! She is always hungry and every time she sees food, she holds out her hand and says, "Mo" (she thinks "more" is the way to ask for anything). She has a sixth sense for recognizing when chocolate is in the vicinity. Yesterday, she snuck into the treats for my piano students and gnawed her way through two Rolo packages. Greg found her with chocolate around her mouth and a package in each hand.
She loves to gives "loves" (cuddles) and kisses. Whenever we walk into her room, and she knows its time to go to sleep, she immediately puts her head on my shoulder and starts "singing" in order to put off getting in her crib. She's a smart one - and it works! Did I mention that she loves to sing and dance. I just love her eyes. I love how big they get when she's figured something out, or hears some music or a dog barking. What a privilege it is for me to get to watch her grow and learn. I love it!


Jen-ben said...

She's so sweet...and she looks just like YOU!

paige said...

Wow, that brings back memories of such a fun age! I remember Polly snuggling to get out of going to bed. Now she just throws a fit. :) I love blogs about your kids, they are all so fun!

Jackie said...

She is so adorable. She always has a smile and such a sparkle in her eyes. Is she every naughty? She always seems so happy.

Emily said...

Yes - She is naughty. She loves to "steal" toys away from Macy, and she constantly chews up crayons. Drives me crazy! When I say "no," she turns and runs away, squealing with delight. It's all a game to her.

She also hates having her diaper changed (new this week). She tries to roll over the whole time. I try to distract her with a song or a toy, but most of the time I just try to hold her down and hurry. Then, she throws her own diaper in the garbage. Sometimes, she gets stuff out of the garbage.

But...amazingly...I have SO much more patience with the third child! I am able to laugh off so much of her "naugtiness." Sorry Austin and Macy!

Colette said...

Wow it seems like yesterday I was sitting in Primary wondering if you were pregnant or not? She is so cute!

Brian and Kim said...

I miss the squeals of delight. Can I borrow her? Just send her over:) Between her and Tae, I'd be in heaven ;)

Lindsay said...

She is so cute - I love that age too. Love that top picture of her.

Laura said...

She is a cutie. That is a fun, fun age. I love that her smile lights up her eyes too! Soooo sweet.