Saturday, May 10, 2008

I'm Not Proud of It, but...

Sometimes I just have to completely lose it in order to snap my kids out of awful behavior. Macy has been making me crazy the past few days. She breaks down and whines or cries at the drop of a hat, and she seems to have forgotten all of her manners. Yesterday, she actually threw herself on the floor and sobbed when Greg left for work. Hello! He's left every morning for the past four years. Why throw the fit now? The only thing that got her out of it was when I asked if she wanted to go to Tanner's house. And she demands me around the house. I want this...I need that right now. I've tried to be so patient and calmly let her know that I will be happy to help when she remembers her manners. The other day, she could not remember what word to use when asking for something. When I said, "How do you ask?" She actually tried three or four different ways - none of which included "the magic word."

Last night was the breaking point. After a very emotional day, I took her to get her a haircut. We stopped at Sam's Club on the way home. We met Jen, who let me use her card to get some knives that my mom wants for Mother's Day. She cried because she didn't want to get out of the car. So, I carried her in. She cried when we left because she wanted to go with Jen. She cried when we got in the car because her balloon was buckled in the seat belt. I had enough! I pulled over, grabbed a pen, and popped her balloon. I told her I was sick and tired of her behavior, and I wasn't going to put up with it anymore. Greg asked if I apologized, and I said, "no" because I'm not sorry.

*At this point you're probably thinking, "Well...I definitely know where she gets her emotional outbursts." It's true! know what...she's been remarkably better ever since! She even suddenly remembered to say "please" when she wanted a drink this morning. And I did apologize for popping her balloon. I still love you to pieces!


Lindsay said...

I'm sorry, but I think it's hillarious that you popped her balloon. I've done the exact same thing.

Jen-ben said...

I'm going to pop all the balloons in our house this week. :)

Laura said...

You know, sometimes Mom's just need to pop balloons. Then we get it out of our systems and our kids act better. It happens at our house too!

Jackie said...

You are not alone in popping balloons! Claire has tested my patience lately too! I think when we do have a "break down" it gives our kids a wake up call and makes them behave- for a few hours. :-)

paige said...

Very funny - something that I can see myself doing in the future - the near future.

Kimberly Porter said...

This post made me laugh out loud! Ha ha---you are a great mom! :)