Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mother of the Year

This is Austin on his first day of 2nd Grade.  This is also a picture of Austin with his first broken bone.  It actually happened on Friday night.  We were at Greg's parents cabin in Bear Lake, and we were getting ready for bed.  I had all three kids in the room, and I was on the floor getting Paige into her pajamas.  The room we were staying in had a huge sleigh bed.  All of a sudden, Austin leaps over the footboard and just plops down on the ground - It was like a belly flop without the water.  He landed pretty hard, and he started crying immediately and holding his right arm.  I just sat there and thought, "That was the dumbest thing I've ever seen in my life."  He told me later that he was trying to land on one hand.  

Anyway...He was holding his wrist, but he could move his fingers and bend his hand back and forth.  It also didn't swell at all.  I gave him some Ibuprofen and sent him to bed.  He woke up at 2 a.m. and whined all night about it.  But, even in the morning, there was still no swelling and he could move his hand.  We spent the entire day at the beach.  He was babying his arm, but he still had a great time.  He played in the sand, rode on the boat, and even did a cannon ball off the boat in the middle of the lake.  At one point, I watched him climb up on this blow-up trampoline.  He mostly used his left hand, but he had to use his right hand to pull himself up.  He winced a little, but it didn't seem to phase him too much.  So, I figured that he obviously tweaked his arm a little, but it wasn't broken.  

Sunday morning, he woke up with his arm swollen.  I thought that broken bones swelled immediately.  I guess I was wrong.  We made an appointment for Sunday night, and left Bear Lake after lunch.  Sure enough, the X-Ray showed a fracture on both bones a couple inches above his wrist.  The doctor said it was the most common break that they see in little kids.  Oops!  I felt so bad!  Greg came home from the doctor and pointed out that Austin has ALWAYS had an extremely high pain threshold.  From now on, when Austin says that something hurts, it probably hurts 3-times as bad as a normal person.  Sorry Bud!  I promise I'll believe you from now on.  Greg also assured me that, since Austin is a boy, this is definitely not the last time that he will do something unbelievably stupid and hurt himself, so I might want to work on giving sympathy even when the action is completely idiotic.  I'm working on it.  

Silver Lining: Austin is pretty excited to get a cast on and have everyone sign it. 


Lindsay said...

"That was the dumbest thing I've ever seen in my life."


Colette said...

Well if it makes you feel any better when my little brother broke his arm my parents didn't believe him and waited days as well. :)

Amber said...

With Austin, it was bound to happen sooner or later! He does look pretty proud of his "owie".

La Toya said...

That was pretty funny.

Heidi said...

He must have Grandma Schow's blood running throuh his veins!

Jackie said...

I'm surprised it has taken this long for Austin to break a bone.
:-) I can't believe he's starting school already! I hope he likes his new school. I'm sure he'll do great! I'll send Logan over to sign Austin's cast when we get home this weekend.

Alexie said...

i can't believe that this is the first i've heard of this. Em, have you ever heard of a phone?!

Jen-ben said...

YOU are the mother of the year!!