When, WHEN will I learn that when Austin makes up HIS mind to do something, HE will figure it out on HIS own and DO IT! I tried hard to just be patient and let him do it on his own time, but I have to admit that I was starting to get worried. I had visions of Greg and I holding onto the seat, running after the bike, and shouting instructions as we frantically tried to prepare our 19-year-old for his mission.
Here are some great pictures of the new bike-rider (on garbage day):
From the get-go, we want to make sure that we teach him the best of bike safety. Notice his protective invisible helmet, Macy strapped securely into the bike trailer (Oops!), and is that my baby in the middle of the street?!? Oh well...I guess we have another 7 years to polish up on the safety issues. Way to go, Bud! We are so happy for you! All you need now is a bigger bike (and a haircut)!
I think you really did get my child. Remember, I refused to learn to ski until I was 19. And once I had made up my mind, even face planting and bellyflopping into the water 3 times didn't stand in my way.
Yea Austin! Now he won't stop and you'll wish he never learned to ride it. :-)
Yeah, we're safe like that too. Ethan is the same way. He's six and I'm wondering when he will ride his bike. He actually knows how to ride it, just not well and so he won't. I see him all the time on Jack's tiny bike with training wheels and he looks ridiculous!
I seriously thought I had the only 7-year-olds who wouldn't ride bikes. Well, now I guess I do! Way to go, Austin. Welcome to the world of mobility!
yay austin!!! love the pic of greg and macy...hahahaha!
I am so glad your vision of a 19-yr-old with training wheels won't come true. Your dramatic mind cracks me up!
Nice work, Austin!! :)
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