Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Too Many Words...How About Some Pictures!?!

When I asked my brutally honest and loving sister (not to mention beautiful - just in case you're reading this, Maddie) if she read my blog, she said with a sigh, 'There are just too many words." So, here are a few pictures. Greg has been begging me for years to get a hobby, so he bought me a very nice camera for our anniversary. (The deal was "No Gifts"; I guess I should be grateful that he never keeps our pacts.) I've always loved photography. Whenever I need to "get away" for a couple of hours, one of the things I like to do is go to Barnes & Noble and look through their photography books. I was just always afraid that I didn't have the talent ("the eye"). I probably don't, but I know I can do better with just a little knowledge and practice. Here are a few of my first shots. I'm trying to look at angles and light; it has been very fun! Thanks honey.

She wasn't crying, her eye just waters constantly because of the blocked tear ducts. I thought it was adorable when one little tear landed on her cheek.

Jen took this one, but I absolutely love it (I love every picture she takes). Look how she gets Paige's eyes to sparkle. Amazing!


Jen-ben said...

YEAH!! Good job!! Great, now I have competition right around the corner...=)

Brian and Kim said...

Emily, I saw your blog on Jen's. I've been lurking and you have done an amazing job. Your pic are so fun as well as the stories that go with them. I hope you don't mind me looking but I love your blog!!
Thanks, Kim Fagergren

Alexie said...

So Abby needs some 1 year pictures... you up fopr the challenge? Oh, ps, she's decided to be a real girl; she cries about everything.

Emily said...

I'm so glad that you looked at mine and actually responded! I love it when I get comments. I've actually peeked at your blog as well (I also saw the link on Jen's blog). I'll try to be an equally good friend and comment on yours occasionally.

I'd love to play around with Abby, as long as you don't have too many expectations. I've just been experimenting so far. I'm not that great at seeing lines yet, but sometimes I get lucky.

Brian and Kim said...

Emily, can I put your link on my blog?

Madeline Shaffer said...

So I read your blog! I liked it, it had a lot of pictures :). So I think that I am honest but not brutally honest. I was just wondering how I should take that comment? ;)

Emily said...

Mads, I meant "brutally honest" as a compliment!

Greg said...

It has taken 8 years but I finally convinced Emily to get a hobby. She would always say, "but the kids are my hobby." That is not a hobby, my dear. Of course her new hobby incorporates the kids because she would feel too guilty if it was ALL just for her.