Tuesday, July 21, 2009


So, the other day, we were making dinner and waiting (impatiently) for Dad to come home. My kids were playing the "Name Game." You know: Macy, Macy Bo-Bacy, Bananafana Fo-Facy, etc.

All of a sudden, Austin runs up to me in a panic, looks around, and whispers: "Mom! Paige just said...(looking around again and spelling out)...F-U-D-G-E."

To quote Ralphie in "The Christmas Story," Austin didn't spell "Fudge." "(He) said THE word, the big one, the queen-mother of dirty words, the 'F-dash-dash-dash' word." As a mother, I died a little inside as I realized that my children actually don't wander around the world in a lovely, protective bubble no matter how desperately I have tried to create one for them.

Now, I will admit that there are some words that, if they were to come out of my child's mouth (hypothetically speaking of course), could possibly be traced back to me. I like to call them "Bible Cuss Words." You know, in Utahese we would say "Heck" and "Darn." But I have never in my life said THAT word. So, I asked him where he heard that word. He told me that he read it on the wall in the boy's bathroom at school. Chalk that up to yet another reason why homeschooling actually makes a TON of sense to me.

After a few sighs (on my part), I spent the next few minutes explaining that he should never, ever say that word and why. Well...not exactly why. He is only eight years old after all. The entire time, Macy was piping up:
"What are you talking about?"
"What word?"
"I want to know!"
"Why don't you just tell me?"

I tried to tell Macy to "Mind Her Business" (as they say on Long Island), but I thought Austin's suggestion was actually pretty funny. Very seriously, Austin explained: "Macy. Don't worry. As soon as you learn how to read, you'll know what word we're talking about."

I couldn't help but laugh. Then, I walked into her adorable 5-year-old room and threw away the "Hooked on Phonics" reading set that she LOVES.

Reading is overrated.


JK said...

I had to laugh when I read this! I am going through this BIG TIME with both Kyle and Matt right now. On a daily basis, they run up to me to tell on each other and either whisper the curse word or spell it.....sometimes the word that comes out upsets me (and definitely can be traced back to me) and I sit and try to explain why it shouldn't be said and why mom should never have said it. Reminds me of when I used to lose it and some choice words would come out and Lisa would stick her fingers in Kyle's ears and go "blah, blah, blah", so he couldn't hear. I'm much better now and catch myself before. However, I cannot stop what they hear from school, school bus, other people, etc. So our phrase is "you heard it, you don't repeat it". Fun times!

Alexie said...

At least he stills knows it's a bad word. And at least he is coming to tell you about the bad word so you (the mommy and thus the ultimate fixer-of-all-things) can do something asbout it.

Who put the "F" in the name game anyway! isn't it just calling for trouble?

Jackie said...

That is hilarious! Claire was saying something the other day while getting into the car. She was upset and used the word "damn" in describing something. I can totally trace that one to me.... at least it's not the "queen" word though....

Lindsay said...

Ahhh, the good old "F" word. Jameson read that word scribbled on a rock and a few other bad ones and then has been so helpful as to teach Ethan that word. How do they instinctively know that it's bad? Must be the way it makes you feel when you say it or hear it - YUCK!

Kristy said...

Yes, yes. We've had unfortunate experiences with that word too. The joy.

Jen-ben said...

LOL!!! That is way too funny. I have to tell Jasper this one! He LOVES with all his heart, that movie.