Thursday, March 7, 2013

Two Thousand, One Hundred, Ninety Two Days!

This darling gem has been on the earth 6 years today! I don't even know what to say about my Sweet Paige. She came into our family when everyone needed her. She brought nothing but peace and healing with her. I will forever be grateful that Heavenly Father sent her to us, at exactly the moment He did. I have loved her from the moment I knew she existed.

Paige was born around 11:30 a.m. and was hands-down the easiest delivery and quickest recovery of any of my children. She came out ready to eat, and she is still my very best eater. She has a very adult palate that includes a love for red/yellow/orange peppers, feta cheese, green salad, and minestrone soup. She also has a sweet tooth and can be bribed to do just about anything as long as a "treat" is involved. She was such a good, happy baby! Always observing, always smiling, always curious, always happy!


Paige is hard to describe. Most nights, Greg and I lie in bed commenting that we "just love her so much!" I seriously feel like my heart is going to burst sometimes, I love her that much. She owns a piece of our hearts, and one cannot help but adore her.

Paige is our clumsy, accident-prone little darling. My sister says that her klutziness is such an endearing quality - and it is! But those days when milk spills for the 5th time and she accidentally knocks you in the head (with her elbow and then her knee and then the back of her head), or she falls off the chair (again!) for no apparent reason...those can be hard days that definitely try my patience. We lovingly refer to anyone that trips or drops something or simply falls down as "Pulling a Paige." So, we end up scooping her in our arms several times a day, kiss owies, wipe up the blood, and clean up the mess. She's totally worth it!

Like all of my children, Paige likes to do her own thing. She is so independent and is genius as figuring things out (if she's determined). She has a fabulous imagination. She can talk for hours and hours and hours. When she sneaks into our bedroom at night, she always goes to Daddy's side. She is a little bit of a homebody. She likes to be home. She likes to hang around. She likes to tag along to the store or just sit at the table and draw.

Paige speaks with a New Jersey/New York accent. She has taught this to her brothers and her cousin. Paige loves to color, write, read, Macy, paint her nails, sneak my makeup, do cartwheels, play with Tae, LaLaLoopsy's, play on electronics (Minecraft is a current favorite), swim, run, Abby, play in the snow, help Mom, go to Nana's, Grandma, giving hugs, Daddy, and meditation. She has a silly, goofy side. She has a serious, ponderous side. She has a quiet, solitary side. She has a rebellious, independent side. She has a tender, compassionate side. She has a creative, messy side. She is complex, thoughtful, hilarious, and loving.

Our Birthday "Interview" today:
Favorite color: purple
Favorite animal: penguin
Favorite food: pasta
Favorite treat: lollipop
Best friend: Mommy
What's your favorite thing about school: Spanish
What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy: ride bikes
What do you want to be when you grow up: an artist, a colorist, a hairdoist, and a nail salon, and a mom, and a teacher.
How many kids do you want to have: 6; 5 girls and 1 boy
If you could go anywhere in the whole wide world, where would you want to go: Grandma's house
Who are you going to marry: Daddy
Who do you have a crush on: Bryce
What are you afraid of: spiders and monsters and aliens and eyeballs
What are you good at: singing, dancing, and arting
What's your biggest dream for your 6-year-old year: to go swimming

"The things that make me different are the things that make me." - Winnie the Pooh

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