Tuesday, August 3, 2010


It's been a really long few days for our family. This is not the time or place to record all of the emotions that I've felt. However, as I sat in the ICU Waiting Room yesterday with my sister, family, and close friends, I learned a few things about coping. Most importantly, no matter how grim the situation, it is good to find reasons to smile between the tears. (And that brand new Ariel panties make everything all better - when you're four years old.)

Then, I thought about these pictures of Spencer and Kade. What is it about babies with sunglasses that is just downright funny?!? I dare you not to smile when you look at these two.


Jackie said...

Emily- I was so sorry to hear about what happened with your sister and her family. Ugh- I know what you are going through. So tough! Please let me know if I can do anything for you or if you need any help...

And- of course your pictures made me smile. :-)

Lindsay said...

I hope everything is ok...I love your posts and your pics. Honestly I don't comment much because I always feel like there is nothing I could even add to what you write. You have a way with words.

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Jen-ben said...

Oh my cuteness pictures!!!

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