Saturday, August 14, 2010

8 Million Children

So, on a beautiful Friday afternoon, my mom, my sister, and I decided to take ALL the children out to get Rainbows. You get Rainbows at Pace's Dairy Ann in Bountiful. They are basically really flavorful slushies with ice cream in the middle. My parents used to take us there when we were kids, and I was feeling guilty that Austin has been on this earth nine glorious years and had yet to slurp a Rainbow. We packed nine children in two minivans and made the 30 minute trek. We ordered our Rainbows, fries, onion rings, and corn dogs and went to a nearby park.

Whenever I am in public, I feel like I am the center of a freak show. We have a lot of kids - little kids. I've heard rumors that some children are shy and reserved. However, none of those type of children reside in my home. We are loud, boisterous, happy, and a little crazy. It probably doesn't help that I am the mother who lets her babies eat the wood chips at the park (gross!!!):

On top of my five munchkins, we had all the grandkids and a neighborhood friend. Insanity...I know. Overall, I thought it was really fun. The kids desperately needed to get outside, climb all over the playground, explore the nearby "woods," and eat some scrumptious ice cream. What a perfect summer evening!

Abby has been such a trooper. My mom said that she has yet to complain about losing the use of her right arm for 6 weeks or so. She just adapts whatever she's doing to make it work. What a good girl!

This is Max. He's "flying." (Just like Buzz Lightyear. Heard of him??? This little two-year-old is obsessed!) We love it!!!

Cash is such a good sport. Always along for the ride and happy to hang with the big kids.

This little girl is growing up. She isn't my baby anymore (good thing I have two more right behind her). She is losing her adorable, chubby toddler figure. Just look at those long legs and bony knees. I try to command her to stop growing, but that just seems to kick in that growth spurt even sooner. Love her to pieces!

My mom is such a good grandma (excuse me - "Nana"). She has unbelievable patience with all these little kiddos and just seems to eat up their energy. They all A.D.O.R.E. her! Here she is playing pat-a-cake with Kade. We are a little concerned that he is basically not meeting any of his developmental milestones for his age. He is just such a chill, happy little baby. He'll get there!

Then there is this child:

I think we may have spelled his name wrong. Instead of S-p-e-n-c-e-r we should have spelled it S-t-i-n-k-e-r. I love this kid more than words, but he has fire behind his eyes. Can you see it? Look closely? He is so mischievous and curious and strong-willed. Oy Vey!

These three just sat in the bark. Spencer and Cash threw bark on each other while Kade ate it. They were blissfully happy and content for several minutes.

But, this little Stinker did decide that he wanted to walk today. And for some reason, he seems to find it easier if he's carrying something twice his size (a stool or giant toy or a pair of dad's shoes).

The kids didn't quite weigh enough to get the Teeter-Totter to work (or "Tinker-Tocker" as Paige would say). So, Nana and Lisa climbed on. Lisa won the Aunt of the Year Award that night!

You might notice that I am missing a child. Why, you wonder, aren't there any pictures of Macy? Well, clearly because she made a few BFF's within the first few minutes of our arrival and she spent the next couple of hours joined at the hip. In fact, we were all loaded in the car and waiting while she had to say goodbye "just one more time" to all of her friends.

Austin and Jaren were so good to play with Max. They played ball and took him on the pathways through the trees. What good boys!

Picture of the Day: Max with his Stogie

I love this picture and this boy and his adorable giggle with all my heart. After the accident, all Max wanted was "a Coke and some fries." He is his mother's son!


Alexie said...

Thank you. (meant sincerely from the tips of my heart, and a little sarcastically due to last sentence of post.)

Anonymous said...
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Whitney said...
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Whitney said...

Lexi, Let me know if there is anything I can do to help, me and Savannah would love to watch your kids.