Friday, February 3, 2012

Identity Theft Made Easy

Last weekend I went on a 3-day getaway to gorgeous Southern California (it was 80 degrees every day - perfect and gorgeous and sunny and happy) with two incredible women. We ate well (the fit of my jeans proves that), relaxed, analyzed the meaning of life, sat in some serious LA traffic, and watched an extremely expensive chic flick. It was lovely.

On my way out of town, I packed my adorable purple carry-on that Melva gave me for my birthday last year. I pulled out the card in the front to fill out just in case I misplaced my luggage. The first few lines were pretty standard, but as I read the rest of the card, I literally laughed out loud. Hilarious:

A few thoughts:
#1: I don't think I've ever seen cell# and beeper# on the same sheet of paper. I thought the purpose of cell phones was to replace beepers?!?

#2: While I'm at it, I considered adding my mother's maiden name, my birthday, and my passport photo.

1 comment:

Alexie said...

you may want to add the name of you bank, just to save those thieves some time- hate to have them running all around town just to steal your money.