Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thankful 4: 21-40

The list continues...

#21 I am so grateful that it isn't last year. So very grateful. It was really hard. Enough said.

#22 I am grateful for the gospel. I am grateful for the things that I believe and know. I am grateful for prayer and the experiences I've had that are mine alone that let me know the truth of the gospel.

#23 I am grateful for the challenge from the Stake Presidency to read parts of the Bible and Book of Mormon by the end of the year. We are reading with Austin, and we have had some really great discussions.

#24 I am grateful that Greg has worked so hard this year to get healthy. Not only is he hot, but so much happier. It has taken so much determination, and I greatly admire him.

#25 I am extremely grateful for TV. It's true. This is the way I veg-out at the end of the day. It's really nice to get involved in "pretend" drama.

#26 I am extremely grateful for TV. It's true. I'm so grateful that I gave it two numbers. I admit that sometimes the TV is the only thing that saves me during the day with my kids. Bless you, PBS. Bless you, Disney Channel. Bless you, creators of DVD players. And most of all...Bless you, DVR masterminds.

#27 I am grateful for Greg's job. I am grateful that we can pay the bills. I'm grateful that he is willing to take on the pressure of supporting our family.

#28 I am grateful that I am able to be a stay-at-home Mother. I am grateful that I am able to be a stay-at-home Mother. I am grateful that I am able to be a stay-at-home Mother.

#29 I am grateful to live in the United States of America. I have become a little disillusioned by the court system and there is a reason why (in Nov 2011), the US Congress has a 9% approval rating. Even so, I am grateful for our country. I am grateful that I have the freedom to express my thoughts and feelings. I am grateful that I have the freedom to make choices. I am grateful for the inspired documents that our country was founded upon. I am grateful that I can raise my children without fear.

#30 I am grateful for all of the men and women (and their families) who make the sacrifice to serve in the military. I'm grateful for everyone that has served in the past and those that are currently serving. I have nothing but respect for our soldiers. Thank you on behalf of me and my family.

#31 I am grateful for all the people that teach my children. I'm grateful for their teachers and leaders at church; I'm grateful for their teachers and administrators at school; I'm grateful for everyone who loves them and teaches them.

#32 I'm thankful for food. I really like food. I'm specifically grateful for smooth, silky chocolate and pastries and Breyers ice cream.

#33 I'm thankful for indoor plumbing. I just can't imagine...

#34 I'm grateful for books. Call me old fashion, but I like the feel of paper in my hands. I like the idea of "cuddling up" with a good book. I love getting sucked into the lives of characters so much that I don't want the book to end because I have to say goodbye to good friends. I like to relish a good book. And I like that this entry makes my two TV entries seem not quite so scandalous.

#35 I'm grateful for dishwashers. I'm grateful for clothes washers and dryers. I'm grateful for refrigerators and freezers. I'm grateful for microwaves. All these fabulous devices make my life so much easier.

#36 I'm grateful for music. I'm grateful to be able to sing to my kids (whether they like it or not). I'm grateful for the opportunities to see some of my favorite singers live this year. I'm grateful that my parents filled my life with music, and Greg has carried on that tradition. I'm grateful for Austin's piano teacher. I'm grateful to Austin for filling our home with music on a daily basis.

#37 I'm grateful that the Malibu finally died this year. It died a few months earlier than we planned (financially), but it was time to say goodbye. I'm grateful to Greg for sacrificing his manhood to drive a car all those years, and I'm grateful that he was finally able to get his truck. It makes him so happy. Thereby, it makes both of us so happy.

#38 I'm grateful that our children go to bed relatively easily. In general, I'm a 7-0'clock-type-of-mother. So, making it to an 8 o'clock bedtime is tough for me most days. So having a solid bedtime routine (that our kids seem to buy into), is truly a tender mercy.

#39 I am grateful for my Apple computer. I love her. She is so fun to play with.

#40 I am so very grateful (to the point that I am getting emotional just typing the words) that our family has been blessed with good health this past year. We have been without health insurance since last November, and have hit a few dead ends in our quest to obtain health insurance. We have not had to go to the doctor at all this year (and we had three 1-year-olds living in our house last winter). Every morning we pray for "health and safety." I can assure you that those words have not been trite repetitions this past year. I am grateful.

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