Wednesday, January 12, 2011

33 (for 2 more days)

I'm not one for birthdays-at least mine. Generally, I get very crabby and impatient (well, more than usual) around my birthday. Yesterday, I thought that I was actually doing pretty well with it this year. Tonight, I think that I am actually not handling it all that great.

It isn't the whole aging thing. Besides the fact that gravity seems to be winning the battle already, I actually don't mind getting older. In a lot of ways, I am starting to really figure out who I am and feeling pretty comfortable in my own skin. It also helps that I am married to someone 6 years older than myself. By the time I finally reach a number, he is over and done with it and I can see that he survived.

I think it might be the attention. I don't know. I think I would just die of embarrassment if Greg ever threw me a party. I just don't like all the attention on myself. A little strange coming from a person who writes a blog all about herself, right?!? I guess I feel like I can hide behind my words on this blog. There is just something about being the center of attention that makes me uncomfortable. And, whenever I'm uncomfortable (or frustrated or tired or embarrassed), my go-to reaction is anger. I really can't stand that about myself.

So, for my birthday, I think I would like to dig a big hole and climb inside for the day. Except for the fact that we can't find the ground in order to dig, and I am not about to stand inside a giant snow-globe for the entire day. I guess I'll just grin and bear it and pray that my family will forgive me for my orneriness.

I guess that will pretty much make it the same as any other day. :-)

Come on, does anyone out there feel this way about their birthday???


Lindsay said...

We are the same age! I am sorry to say I do not feel this way about my birthday. I HATE my birthday for the fact that it is on Valentines Day (bites...) and that I have to share it with all the other people in the world who are trying to go to dinner and give gifts. I'm a brat cause I want a special day all to myself. And yes, I think I do like the attention. So I'm quite the opposite from you!

Have a Happy Birthday anyway!

Meredith said...

I'll admit that I like the attention. It makes me feel loved. Which is the same reason I get annoyed when people don't comment on my blog (yes, I watch. I see that there have been over a hundred views of it in the last day or two and I've only gotten 6 comments. It bugs me. I want to feel affirmed!)

Anyway, I get crabby and impatient when it comes to my birthday, but it's usually because I feel let down and disappointed.

But happy birthday in two days!!!

Emily said...

Lindsay, That would be a tough birthday to have (but an easy one for friends to remember). My brother-in-law and sister-in-law were married on Valentines Day. They had to have silk flowers (it was the 90s) because they couldn't afford live flowers on that day.

I just re-read my post and I sounded a bit snotty. I didn't mean to come across as so snotty, it was really more of a justification for my grumpiness. Not sure which one is worse?!? I'll grin and bear it and have a happy day.

Emily said...

Oh, and Meredith, I commit myself to commenting on your blog much more often. :-)

Alexie said...

Nope. You know me, before the accident Curtis and I were planning a big bash for my 30th-- costumes, karaoke, cupcakes... the works. If I'm going to get older, might as well enjoy it with all my friends and fam... and a lot of dark chocolate!