This is my daughter who turned six on her last birthday.
This is the quarter that was swallowed by my daughter who turned six on her last birthday.
This is the x-ray that shows the quarter that was swallowed by my daughter who turned six on her last birthday.
This is the ambulance that was ridden by the dad, the x-ray, the quarter, and my daughter who turned six on her last birthday.

This is the hospital where the ambulance stopped that was ridden by the dad, the x-ray, the quarter, and my daughter who turned six on her last birthday.
This is the house that will need to be mortgaged to pay for the eight-hour stay at the hospital where the ambulance stopped that was ridden by the dad, the x-ray, the quarter, and my daughter who turned six on her last birthday.
This is my daughter.
By the grace of God, it appears that she will live to see her 7th birthday.
* * *
This is the mom. This is the mom who assumed that when children swallow things, they go to the stomach and come out the other end. This is the mom who is grateful for a husband who rushed her daughter to the hospital because she would not stop vomiting. This is the mom who is grateful that she didn't give her daughter anything to eat or drink because it would have gone down the trachea and stopped her breathing. This is the mom who wavered between wanting to strangle her daughter and wanting the doctors to save her life. I am grateful for the outcome.
*That is not the actual ambulance used in the transport.
**That is not the actual house in which we reside...but a girl can dream, can't she.
***Pictures of Macy courtesy of Fauset Photography.