Wednesday, June 8, 2011


The other night, the twins were at my feet whining while I was in the kitchen. It was late; they were tired. They were begging for a sippy cup. As I filled two cups and attempted to hand them to the boys, in a fit of fatigue, they both pushed the cups away and simultaneously threw their bodies to the ground. I shrugged and put both of the cups in the middle of the floor and turned around. In a matter of seconds, both boys picked themselves up off the ground, grabbed a sippy, and started chugging. Greg laughed, kissed me on the forehead, and said, "We are such seasoned parents."

It's true.

Nine years ago, I probably would have marched my toddler down the hall to a time-out while lecturing about how we don't slap the sippy cup away. I'd probably mutter something about respecting your Mommy and the importance of using your words instead throwing a fit.

So sorry Austin...I love you, Buddy...I don't know if it's as much experience as it is pure exhaustion.

Do you know what else seasoned parents do? They spray off a puke-infused carseat like it's nobody's business.


I AM JOE PESCI said...

Carena, our first born, always tells us she's our rough draft.

Alexie said...
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Alexie said...

I'm sorry- who's sick?

Meredith said...

Ha! I was just thinking about the same thing about the sippy cups and screaming toddlers! Cohen does it all of the time! I shrug it off and set it on the ground, because I know he will come back to it! LOL And yep, I probably would have punished Jackson, because I didn't know any better.

We are seasoned. Love it.