Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Macy (Said with a Head Shake)

*This entire conversation was relayed to my sister, Lisa. Macy is speaking very matter-of-factly here and not emotionally at all. It's just a business transaction.

**Whitney is a 12-year-old girl that babysits for my sister.

Macy: "I think we should sell Paige...And get Whitney instead."

Lisa: "Why?"

Macy: "Because she's big enough to babysit any time! She's even bigger than Austin."

Lisa: "Why do you want to sell Paige?"

Macy: "Because she's so whiney all the time."

Lisa: (Laughing)

Macy: "Really! She is whiney."

***Insert note by mother here: Yes, Macy, but where else are you going to find a little sister who follows you around all day with a deck of Go Fish cards in her hand begging you to play "Gold Fish" with her??? And every time she doesn't have the fish/shark/starfish, she says exuberantly, "Gold Fish!"


Jackie said...

LOL- I love it! Just gotta love Macy. :-)

Whitney said...

She was telling me that in the car when Lisa was taking me home. She so cute!