Thursday, July 16, 2009

20 Questions

I took Macy to the store with me while my amazing friend, Tera, babysat the others.  She wore a Sunday dress, pink socks with ducks on them (pulled all the way up - hitting her leg about mid-shin), brown Mary Janes, and two pink, sparkly clippies that she put in right above her forehead.  She was stylin'!  I love how she picks out everything that she loves and throws together "an outfit."  I guess she figures everything she loves must match.  She was in her room for about 10 minutes "getting ready."  She walked out of her room so proud.  Adorable!

This was our conversation on the way to the store (about a mile away from my front door):

"Mom, how are toys made?"
"In a toy factory."

"Mom, how are humans made?"
"You remember when I was pregnant with the twins.  Babies come from Mommy's bellies."
"Yeah.  But how does Heavenly Father get the babies here?"
"When there's a Mommy and a Daddy, Heavenly Father gives them a baby."
"Yeah.  But how do the babies get inside the Mommy's tummy?"
"It takes a special seed...(rethought)...actually an egg that grows into a baby."
"So you just open your mouth really wide and Heavenly Father drops the eggs in your mouth and then it goes into your belly?"
"No...(Holy Crap I'm bad at this.  Where is your father?)...I actually already have the eggs inside my belly.  Some of them turn into babies and some of them don't."

"Mom, what does 'one week' mean?"
"It's seven days."
"Well, what is seven days?"
"When the sun comes up, it's morning.  When it goes down, it's night.  That makes one day.  It has to happen seven times and we call it 'a week'."

"Mom, how do the sun rays get all the way to earth?"
"The earth rotates, which means it goes round and round.  Right now, our part of the earth is facing the sun, so the rays reach down and shine on us.  Later on, the earth will turn and move away from the sun.  Then, it will be night."
"So it's dark in Hawaii right now?"
"Not Hawaii, but it is nighttime in Japan."  

"Mom, where is Arizona?"
"When we get home, I'll get out the map and show you."

"Mom, how is chocolate made?  Do you know how to make chocolate?  I don't really know how."
"No.  But I do know how to make chocolate chip cookies."

One mile people.  I walked into Target mentally exhausted.  I love her.   


Alexie said...

What? Nothing about Poop?

Bryce & Cherise said...

Oh I love it! :) She'll be such a smartie asking all those questions!

Jana said...

Okay, Wow! I have a very thoughtful 6-year-old, and she's never yet been THAT curious about where babies come from! I like your answers though, and have been trying to form my own answers so I'll prepared when that day comes...good answers though!

Paskins Family said...

I love kids questions. They really are thinkers.

cami said...

I think we as adults take the "birds and the bees" conversation way too seriously. You know, planning the whole thing out. I like the "on the way to Target" idea much better. (Since our neighborhood Target is 2 min away.) Then your forced to keep it simple-unless of course you're planning to go to the Target in Provo! :) Good job with the answers! And, where in the heck ARE the Dads when this stuff comes up? I remember when Cole asked his dad what tampons were. He didn't miss a beat when he told Cole to "go ask your mom!" I've never let Todd live that one down. Then, Cole did come and ask me, and I ended up giving a tampon demo/Q&A. FUN!!!!

Prepare yourself. I think the questions only get harder!

Jen-ben said...

I'm really and truly laughing OUT LOUD! That way too funny! And you know what, Tanner has been asking almost those EXACT same questions, except for the chocolate part. They must be friends.